Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear my baby sister in Colorado, I thank God that you were NOT affected by the shooting. You were in my mind the whole day at work. Sorry that I couldn't get to you soon enough. Glad to know that you're okay. Especially when you told me that it was your favorite movie theater to go to when you lived in Aurora.

Dear Pillow, thanks for understanding me and for loving me and just for being you. You are awesome. I can't wait to see you tomorrow and we get to chill. Can we do cheap date aka pizza and netflix? It's that time of the month, you know. Cue the PMS.

Dear Co-Workers, thanks for helping me out when I was really, really, tired from that late call-back case and tolerating my mood and fatigue of being a zombie at work with only 2.5 hours of sleep and powered by caffeine and sugar (bad combo, yo). And thanks for helping me when I was at the verge of crying (thanks for PMS, being Pissed Off and still fatigued) when I found out that I almost had to stay over for a Neuro case.

Dear Chimichanga, please, please, please stop barking. You're out of control. I love you though. PS: You really do need deep teeth cleaning. Why is it so damn expensive and WHY do you attack me all the time I try to brush your teeth? I need help.

Dear (literally the real) Pillow. Thanks for keeping up with my drool. I've been really, really tired.

Dear (old & new) Readers, thanks for keeping up with the Bolu (i'm no fan of Kardashian whatsoever). I promise to do a food entry soon. If only I had more days off. Gah.

Dear Hot & Spicy Oriental Ramen, thanks for making my stomach miserable during that late case I got called back for, and making me have diarrhea (hello people) once I got home, making me only sleep for 2.5 hours and head to work again. Damn. Yet, you are soooo deliciously spicy.

Dear Sleep, I really need to catch up with you. I miss you a lot.


moonbeams & bunny kisses,


  1. Dear Rima...thanks for TMI :)


  2. Rip to the victims of the theater shooting

    1. yes, may they rest in peace

      thanks for stopping by!

  3. Glad your sister is safe.

    New follower.

    1. Hi Jamie! Thanks and yes I'm glad that she's safe!!!

  4. Sending you so looooove girl, you sound like you've got a lot goin on. I know what you mean about the time of month, honestly it's the worst when it comes to emotions! Hopefully it all lets up soon.


    P.S. Love the redesign! such a cute new logo, you are so talented.

    1. yea it's been a rough week. bah, so glad it's done!!
      thanks for the sweet comment on the layout. i was bored one day and started doodled on my ipad. then this whole new layout came out from that doodle. haha...
