Sunday, July 1, 2012

Links I Love Sunday

HAPPY JULY 1st! Yup, we're entering the 2nd half of the year. Crazy.

  • Found about this blogger here and she's hilarious. 
  • Saw this DIY project and I really, really want to do it!
  • I'm really diggin' A Beautiful Mess's new look. Swoon.
  • Gala's words of wisdom on moving to NYC
  • Please pray for this family. It broke my heart when I found out what happened. Hope they all reunite soon.
  • Recently found about Adrian from my blog-friend Alex. Awesome.
  • Isn't this a stunning wedding? Wow. Wedding in a forest with 900 guests? *applause*
  • For people who love to take self-portrait, this article might help. Haha...
  • This is a uber awesome picture to send to people when you're mad.
  • I'm a baker, and taking pictures of my baked goods is challenging, especially I hardly have natural sunlight in my kitchen *sad face*. But this article helps. Now, I dream for a big kitchen with lots of windows!
Any good reads out there? please do share :)
Oh plus plus, I'm planning to do some sponsor/button-swap soon. Any takers? 


PS: Congrats to Spain for Winning Euro Cup 2012. Awesome.


  1. Isn't Mish the BEST? I'm in love with her, but seriously though I AM. Lol

    And I love that article on food styling. It's super hard because we don't have a LOT of natural light either so I have weird lit photos too. So now I take them outside so I have all the natural light I need! But I definitely ONLY photograph my baked goods during the day now, even though I used to do all my baking at night. So all my baking happens on the weekends.

    I love your links on Sunday!

    1. yes! I want a huge kitchen with windows all over the place! as long there's no peeping tom (ew).
