Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I love reading Lauren's Currently posts, so I decided to join in :)

reading nothing right now. Trying to get into the 50 Shades but I have no interest right now. I really need a new good read. I actually have several books on my kindle app, but I'm just stuck.
writing a list of things I need to accomplish soon.
listening Pandora 90's Pop. Right now it's This is How We Do It by Montell Jordan. HAAAY
thinking about my dinner. And how nauseated I got after taking a wheatgrass shot on an empty stomach. Man, not the best feeling ever. Gross.
smelling the air in my room. damp. 
wishing that I won't break a bone when I attempt the cliff jump this Saturday. Oh my.
hoping that I won't break a bone when I attempt the cliff jump this Saturday. And the weather will be hot so the water would be awesome.
wearing hot pink gym shorts, a brown t-shirt, a bunny ring and my glasses. I don't match at all right now. haha
loving my bed. if only i can make money while laying there. 
wanting to eat something salty. I'm waiting for my spaghetti to be ready. NOMNOMNOM.
needing cut my coupons. I haven't done it in a while. So much to cut :(
feeling hungry. Damn. I'm hungry all the time. wth.
clicking my twitter, facebook, perez hilton, and my google reads! Catching up with you bloggers :)

Btw, this is still going :)


  1. haha...totally picturing the outfit :)

    1. lol. i look dumb. with my messy side braid. gah.

  2. Cliff jumping? OMG. Good luck!

    1. YES! I can not wait, Kat! Scared but... face my fear! hahaha

  3. His nickname is poopypants.

    And have fun cliff jumping. :)

    1. hahaha hi mr. poopypants!
      i will definitely have fun. i just hope i won't break a bone and end up in my own Trauma center. That'll be lame.

  4. Cliff jumping?!? I feel nervous FOR you. Also Montell is totally on my 90s playlist I made on Spotify. We are soulmates.


    1. this is how we do itttttttt.
      i'm pretty nervous myself, but it will happen! hahaha
