Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday Confessions

Forgive me for I have sin.
  • Despite that I'm juicing now, I'm still eating bad food. I can't help it. I love food.
  • The Pillow asked me if I want to jog this morning, I said no. Instead, I made 2 banana breads.
  • I yelled at Chimmy multiple times today because of his excessive barking. I'm sorry but not sorry. I need help
  • I emailed the Pillow engagement rings that I like. Hey, better to give him hints than not liking the one that he might get. No shame, no gain. 
  • I even told him to hurry up and propose. No shame.
  • It's Sunday and I'm on call. I don't even feel like going out at all to do stuff. Just want to relax in my bed. That's ok, right? How often do I get to relax in my very own bed?
  • I've been debating to dye my ends with Kool-Aid. Do it or Not? Most likely do. oh uh.


  1. i love food too! and i've eaten too much this weekend! but it's ok sometimes. i need to exercise more this week to make up for it ;) i hope you're having a good day!

    1. me too! i don't know how to motivate myself to work out. i'm glued to my bed at all times besides work. haha

  2. Baking banana bread was definitely a great decision! I love food too!

  3. I totally get on my boyfriend about his need to propose. No shame! ;-)

  4. I bug my boyfriend about that all the time! Recently I moved onto bugging him about having babies so an engagement doesn't seem so bad. Hey, you do what you have to do :)

    1. hahaha true!! girls these days just say what they want. better than regret later. hehe

  5. Pahahaha, no shame! I ove that you know what you want and emailed it to him. I mean, come on. guys gotta figure it out sometime!
    Thanks for linking up, rima!

  6. LOL No shame no gain. LOVE that. Let's just send anonymous letters to each other's Rob threatening them to ask OR ELSE. Haha jk. If you're reading this Rob (either Rob), I am not threatening your life, I promise.


    1. hahahahahaha... let's!!! the Robs will be like, "WTH" hahaha

  7. I pretty much told my husband exactly what type of ring I wanted before he proposed. You really can't expect them to just guess perfectly all on their own! I consider it being helpful.

  8. Did you do the koolaid dye? I need you to blog it if and when you do!
